project libra

Facebook Rethinks Libra Digital Currency Plans – Report

Resistance from regulators around the world prompts Facebook to 'rethink' its plan for its Libra digital currency, it is reported

5 years ago

Google Readies Bank Accounts For US Customers

Search engine giant is planning a banking move, in a development that is sure to trigger regulatory investigations

5 years ago

Facebook Announces Libra Board, Amid Departures

Dead man walking? Libra announces board, despite being rocked by pull out by five major payments providers

5 years ago

Facebook’s Libra Currency To Face Tough Swiss, US Scrutiny

The Switzerland-based Libra digital currency will face tough US and Swiss scrutiny, officials warn

5 years ago

UK Data Protection Watchdog Raises Facebook Libra Concern

Facebook's proposed digital currency faces calls for more information about how user data will be protected

5 years ago

Facebook Set To Launch ‘GlobalCoin’ Virtual Currency Next Year

But the social network faces tight regulatory scrutiny over its poor track record on protecting users' personal data

6 years ago