Google privacy form gives third party developers the ability to read millions of emails from Gmail users

Google privacy form gives third party developers the ability to read millions of emails from Gmail users
Safe Harbour 2.0 moves one step closer after European member states approve reworked data sharing deal with the US
Noob users of Facebook receive a privacy policy change that will limit their first postings to the audience they want it to reach
Facebook is to change a privacy setting that allows users to opt-out of first or last name searches
A Microsoft survey has revealed that the majority of Web users are very concerned about their online privacy
Microsoft has provoked fury among advertisers for its default 'Do Not Track' feature in Internet Explorer 10
Microsoft's long awaited Do Not Track option for IE10 does not meet the draft specification of the feature
Google is to unify its privacy policies across its online product portfolio, but some are worried by the move
A sobering statistic for the New Year is the revelation that the majority of Britons' Facebook photos are taken while drunk
Facebook has settled Federal Trade Commission charges of deceptive behaviour over privacy settings