Privacy issue? Tesla's use of in-car cameras to record and transmit video, worries influential US magazine Consumer Reports

Privacy issue? Tesla's use of in-car cameras to record and transmit video, worries influential US magazine Consumer Reports
WhatsApp's largest market in India is launching an official antitrust investigation over its mandatory privacy policy update
What backlash? Facebook's WhatsApp says it will go ahead with its privacy policy update, but hopes that it has better explained the process
Inactive Twitter users have to log in to their account and agree to updated privacy policies before 11 December to avoid the chop
Err yes, we do sometimes listen. Microsoft admits it does collect voice data for Skype and Cortana services
Tit for tat argument continues as Belgian Privacy Watchdog sharply criticises Facebook and its privacy controls
Noob users of Facebook receive a privacy policy change that will limit their first postings to the audience they want it to reach
Watchdog wants Google to change its policy but it's unlikely to fine it
Tech titan facing punishment from EU privacy regulators if it doesn't comply to a list of demands within three months
Google risks fresh privacy rows after filing a patent for a policy violation/law breaking scanning tool
ICO and others initiate action after French regulator says Google is not complying
Facebook is reportedly developing a mobile app that tracks your location, even when the handset is not being used
Instragram will at the weekend implement its new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service that has previously drawn controversy
Facebook users have only a week to vote on controversial changes to the social networking giant's user policies
Facebook is proposing a change to its data usage policies to allow user details to be shared with its Intagram division
Unified Google privacy policy is likely to be found illegal
A new survey has revealed that BYOD users have privacy concerns over the snooping habits of their bosses
Google is recruiting what it calls a 'red team' to help it avoid any more privacy blunders in the future
Facebook has avoided an FTC fine, but will be monitored for 20 years as part of its settlement with the FTC for misleading users over privacy
The company will have to make personal data unidentifiable after customers end their subscription
Cisco has backtracked after facing complaints about privacy issues for new Linksys Wi-Fi routers and the Cloud Connect Service
Microsoft's long awaited Do Not Track option for IE10 does not meet the draft specification of the feature
Google is to meet with the French privacy watchdog next week over its controversial new user privacy policy
European attitudes to the trade-off between privacy and security are to be examined by a group of researchers
US Congressmen ask for info on what data social app makers are taking
French regulator CNIL reveals the 69 questions it asked on Google's privacy policy
Turns out making things simpler is not that simple
Google is to unify its privacy policies across its online product portfolio, but some are worried by the move
Shoppers are willing to sacrifice their privacy in order to ensure a better shopping experience, an IBM survey has revealed