The retail space online and in the high street is continuing to transform. Can marketplaces help smaller retailers compete and differentiate their businesses? And what does the future of integrated retailing look like as customer exper ...
News post-pandemic business
Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: The Connected Customer
Learn how the definition of the ‘connected customer’ changed due to the pandemic. As consumers now use multiple touchpoints, is brand loyalty being tested? And how have customer services technologies had to evolve to manage the expecta ...
Silicon In Focus Podcast: Connected Business
Is the definition of a ‘connected business’ very different today than it was just two years ago? And how can businesses embrace technology to enable them to connect with their customers and commercial partners?
The Neo Digital Nomad
As enterprises re-design processes, how they connect and support their workforces, and begin to understand what post-pandemic business means to them, how does the shift to become digital nomads shape how enterprises are evolving?
Silicon In Focus Podcast: Content Enablement
Templafy's own research shows over one in four in the UK (27%) use six to ten different applications a week, resulting in 29% of UK workers feeling frustrated from changing between so many tools and wasting time.
The Future of Consumer Tech in Business
As consumer and business technologies continue to merge, and as businesses transform into post-pandemic enterprises, how will consumer technology develop, and what does this mean for your company?