“Alexa, unlock the front door!” Researchers warn they can remotely control digital assistants and smart speakers

“Alexa, unlock the front door!” Researchers warn they can remotely control digital assistants and smart speakers
Video calling device that includes WhatsApp, Messenger, and Alexa built-in goes on sale in the UK, Europe
Facebook says Portal was designed with privacy in mind — but that's not necessarily so for the Facebook Messenger infrastructure it's built on
Facebook is emphasising the built-in privacy features of the Alexa-powered Portal, which arrives immediately after a major data breach at the company
In a nod to the post-PC era, Microsoft's long-lived Web portal is now optimized for tablets and smartphones
RIM has launched the BlackBerry Partners portal to keep developers and vendors in the loop before BB10's January release
End-to-end QoS assurance is now available from Aryaka Networks' software-as-a-service WAN optimiser