Ponemon Institute

Cybercrime Costs Rise For British BusinessesCybercrime Costs Rise For British Businesses

Cybercrime Costs Rise For British Businesses

British businesses pay increasing price for cybercrime, as attack recovery lengthens to four weeks

9 years ago
Companies Fret Over Targeted Attack SuccessCompanies Fret Over Targeted Attack Success

Companies Fret Over Targeted Attack Success

Companies are increasingly concerned they will not get better at defending against sophisticated attacks

11 years ago
Cyber Attack Cost Rises Again For Breached OrganisationsCyber Attack Cost Rises Again For Breached Organisations

Cyber Attack Cost Rises Again For Breached Organisations

The UK is suffering less than others, whilst IT teams are spending in all the wrong places

11 years ago
Password Security Remains Consumer BugbearPassword Security Remains Consumer Bugbear

Password Security Remains Consumer Bugbear

A survey has found ongoing consumer unhappiness, distrust and impatience with online passwords

12 years ago
UK Data Breach Cost Drops To £1.75 MillionUK Data Breach Cost Drops To £1.75 Million

UK Data Breach Cost Drops To £1.75 Million

Ponemon research shows businesses are getting better at preparing for breaches

13 years ago
Small To Medium Businesses Carry Higher Risk Of Data BreachesSmall To Medium Businesses Carry Higher Risk Of Data Breaches

Small To Medium Businesses Carry Higher Risk Of Data Breaches

A new report from Ponemon has said that there is a higher risk of data breaches among small businesses

13 years ago
HP: Firms Fail To Manage Sensitive Data AccessHP: Firms Fail To Manage Sensitive Data Access

HP: Firms Fail To Manage Sensitive Data Access

Organisations should pay more attention to employees' levels of access to sensitive data, says HP

13 years ago
Email Fingered As Main Source Of Data LeaksEmail Fingered As Main Source Of Data Leaks

Email Fingered As Main Source Of Data Leaks

Many regard email as a critical business app, but a new survey pinpoints it as the main cause of data…

13 years ago
Cybercrime Costs Rise Despite Awareness, HP FindsCybercrime Costs Rise Despite Awareness, HP Finds

Cybercrime Costs Rise Despite Awareness, HP Finds

A new report from HP has found the typical cost of cybercrime to some organisations is £3.6m per year

14 years ago
Security Breaches Near ‘Statistical Certainty’: StudySecurity Breaches Near ‘Statistical Certainty’: Study

Security Breaches Near ‘Statistical Certainty’: Study

A study has found that 90 percent of organisations suffered a security breach in the past 12 months

14 years ago
Infosec: Missing Laptops Lose Over A Billion EurosInfosec: Missing Laptops Lose Over A Billion Euros

Infosec: Missing Laptops Lose Over A Billion Euros

A European survey on the economic costs of almost 73,000 lost or stolen laptops puts the bill into billions

14 years ago
Each Data Breach Costs UK Firms £1.9mEach Data Breach Costs UK Firms £1.9m

Each Data Breach Costs UK Firms £1.9m

British organisations are continuing to suffer from data loss, despite increased prevention measures

14 years ago
Infosec 2010: Nations Must Coordinate On CybercrimeInfosec 2010: Nations Must Coordinate On Cybercrime

Infosec 2010: Nations Must Coordinate On Cybercrime

The UK is doing better than some countries, but real international cooperation is non-existent, warns the head of the Ponemon…

15 years ago
Budget Pressure Leads To Access Control ProblemsBudget Pressure Leads To Access Control Problems

Budget Pressure Leads To Access Control Problems

A new survey has found that companies are struggling to manage access control systems as they try and cope with…

15 years ago