PlayStation Network

Sony Restores PlayStation Network Following Christmas Hacker Disruption

The online gaming networks of Sony and Microsoft were unavailable on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day after they were targeted…

10 years ago

PlayStation Network ‘Downed By Hackers’ In Latest Sony Incident

A hacker group has claimed responsibility for PlayStation Network login problems, a week after similar issues struck Xbox Live

10 years ago

PlayStation, Windows Live Gamers Hit By New Passwords Leak

Derptrolling attack reveals thousands of usernames and passwords

10 years ago

Sony Slapped With £250k Fine For 2011 PSN Breach

Sony plans appeal but isn't getting much sympathy from the security community

12 years ago

Sony Protects 93,000 Users From Password Attacks

Sony locked out users when hackers tried applying user names and passwords stolen from elsewhere

13 years ago

Sony Bans Class-Action Lawsuits By PlayStation Users

Sony's new terms of service are about protecting Sony, not PlayStation Network users

14 years ago

Sony Signs Security Supremo

Sony hires a former US government security chief on its road to recovery from embarrassing data breaches

14 years ago

Feckless Sony Gets Yet Another Jolly Rogering

Sony is either the most unfortunate or the most careless company to fall for simple SQL injection attacks - again…

14 years ago

Sony Fixes New PlayStation Network Flaw

Sony has discovered and then patched a new dangerous security flaw with its Playstation Network

14 years ago

Sony Restores Basic PlayStation Network Services

Sony is restoring access to services on its PlayStation Network and Qriocity, but has hit some hiccups

14 years ago

Sony Faces The Music, But Blames Anonymous

Sony has hired investigators and accused Anonymous of distracting it during the Playstation hack

14 years ago

Sony Networks And Qriocity May Kill The Fat Cat

Sony has sprung into action to win back the esteem of the customers betrayed by its poor security regime. Too…

14 years ago