Soft skills still top of the requirement list for tech employers, according to data from online career and hiring marketplace Digital Profile. Learn which skills your business needs to stay competitive and profitable.

Soft skills still top of the requirement list for tech employers, according to data from online career and hiring marketplace Digital Profile. Learn which skills your business needs to stay competitive and profitable.
PHP can be exploited by combining flaws, placing major sites like Facebook potentially at risk
The widely deployed PHP language has been updated with two important patches fixing both security issues and stability bugs
PHP maintains a lead for developing websites, because of enterprise features, says Andi Gutmans of Zend
The Komodo 7 integrated development environment for Python, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript and Perl is billed as the 'world's fiercest IDE'
PHP Fog has revealed that its new PHP-based cloud platform-as-a-service will soon be available
RightScale and Zend have announced an open platform-as-a-service offering for PHP developers