As the PCeU heads for its merger with SOCA, it brags about its startling achievements

As the PCeU heads for its merger with SOCA, it brags about its startling achievements
Santander could have lost millions if police hadn't foiled a plot to hack into a branch machine
PCeU and SOCA hit big cyber crime ring
Carder website is taken offline and 11 arrests made
Lulz Boat sinks as two hackers looking at years in prison, whilst another two punished
Cyber crooks spent stolen funds on Rolex watches, wine, diamonds, designer luggage and fine dining
Charlie McMurdie tells TechWeek it is the right time to go, ahead of PCeU's merger with SOCA
Head of information security at MoD tells TechWeek he isn't over-hyping the threat
They stole a woman's life savings to buy cheeseburgers and gold - now they're facing jail
TechWeekEurope reveals email showing how SOCA is warning crooks they may be at risk of hefty jail sentences or be putting their families' welfare in danger
Exclusive: TechWeekEurope FOIs expose patchy methods in cyber policing across Britain, as officials start to fret over the impending formation of the National Cyber Crime Unit
Police cracking down on phishing activity as major operation with SOCA yields results
The Metropolitan Police looks to combat rise of the ransomware
PCeU and SOCA collaborating on phishing investigation
Hackers ask police and armed forces to participate in Operation Jubilee
Ransomware pushers are pretending to be the PCeU to strip people of their funds
The head of the PCeU says the unit is doing a lot with not much funding. Does she want more?
Police arrest a 17-year-old whom they claim is the spokesman for the hacking group TeaMp0isoN
The Metropolitan Police denies the hack, TeaMp0isoN denies the arrests. So nothing happened?
Glenn Mangham imprisoned despite claiming he just wanted to help Facebook by pointing out vulnerabilities
A routine update call on hacking arrests between US and UK police officials was secretly recorded by the hacking group they were talking about
Fake e-commerce sites defrauded shoppers of millions of pounds ahead of Christmas buying season
LulzSec suspect Topiary was arrested in the Shetland Isles but the word on the web is he was framed
The founder of a multi million-pound internet crime site has been given a reduced sentence due to his 'youth'