Paul Allen

Tech Pays Tribute To Microsoft’s Paul AllenTech Pays Tribute To Microsoft’s Paul Allen

Tech Pays Tribute To Microsoft’s Paul Allen

Another tech titan passes away, after co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allen, dies aged just 65

6 years ago
Limited Google+ Still Growing ExponentiallyLimited Google+ Still Growing Exponentially

Limited Google+ Still Growing Exponentially

Google+ user metrics show 1.8 million visits last week, with over half the traffic from Google and Gmail

14 years ago
Paul Allen Labels Windows Phone As ‘Must Win’ TechPaul Allen Labels Windows Phone As ‘Must Win’ Tech

Paul Allen Labels Windows Phone As ‘Must Win’ Tech

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has warned of the consequences if Windows Phone 7 fails

14 years ago
Paul Allen’s Book Attack On Gates And BallmerPaul Allen’s Book Attack On Gates And Ballmer

Paul Allen’s Book Attack On Gates And Ballmer

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's upcoming memoir accuses Gates and Ballmer of colluding against him

14 years ago
Paul Allen Re-Starts Lawsuit Against Google, ApplePaul Allen Re-Starts Lawsuit Against Google, Apple

Paul Allen Re-Starts Lawsuit Against Google, Apple

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has re-launched his patent lawsuit against Apple, Google and other IT companies

14 years ago
Microsoft Founder Sues Apple, Google Over PatentsMicrosoft Founder Sues Apple, Google Over Patents

Microsoft Founder Sues Apple, Google Over Patents

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has filed patent-infringement suits against Apple, Google and nine other companies

15 years ago