Apple and Samsung have delivered rebuttals to witnesses' claims as the companies head into the final stages of their patent…
Samsung experts have accused Apple of grossly overstating the amount of alleged damages it is owed
A US judge suggests Apple and Samsung should discuss a settlement due to ‘infringement risks’ on both sides
Microsoft can use Apple patents, but isn't allowed to clone the iPhone
Samsung begun its defence against Apple and pointed out the existence of iPhone features before the handset’s arrival
Two companies forced to reveal the sales of individual handsets in US patent court case
Samsung has listed more than 100 design differences with Apple's iPhone in documentation submitted to a US court
Retailer looking at acquiring and licensing patents
Judge orders companies to reveal financial relationship with commentators on the lawsuit
Apple and Google have offered between $150 million and $250 million for Kodak patents, according to reports
Apple and Microsoft will be fighting an Android army for Kodak's patents
Google has revealed that Motorola's patents were worth £3.5bn out of the company's total $8bn purchase price
But Dusseldorf court upholds decision to let Samsung sell the Galaxy Tab 10,1N
Former photography giant will appeal again - it needs patent income
High Court rules Apple must place notice on website for six months and in national newspapers
Patents and handset connectivity and location technology gained by Samsung in £198m acquisition
UK judge says Samsung design is sufficiently different from Apple rival
Two of tech's biggest names settle their patent dispute and enter new advertising and marketing agreements
Federal Circuit lifts ban on sale of Google smartphone for now, but rejects Galaxy Tab 10.1 bid
High Court says HTC did not infringe four of Apple's patents in a ruling that could affect other cases across…
Samsung and Google will issue update to smartphone and challenge the validity of the Siri patent
Nokia has informed Google and Asus that the recently arrived Google Nexus 7 tablet infringes its patents
Apple's injunction against sales of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 remains in place
Is Motorola Mobility abusing its patents and not offering them on fair terms?
US District Court grants Apple preliminary injunction ahead of decision on four patents
Chicago judge all but ends Apple's chance of gaining injunction on Google-owned Motorola Mobility's products
Samsung finally secures offensive victory against Apple, but loses three other patent claims
Troubled Kodak seeks court order and accuses Apple of sabotaging its patent auction
The Commission's lead on competition calls for ideas on how to make companies respect FRAND patents
HTC found not to have all of the substantial rights to Google's patents