US President Joe Biden and CISA gives all US federal agencies six months to patch hundreds of known cybersecurity flaws to prevent future intrusions

US President Joe Biden and CISA gives all US federal agencies six months to patch hundreds of known cybersecurity flaws to prevent future intrusions
Patchy patching. Tanium's study reveals the scale of security compromises made by IT departnments, just to keep businesses running
Legal victory in Netherlands means tech giant is not obliged to update older generation smartphones
Porky pies? Research claims that Android phone makers are telling users phones have been updated, when it hasn't
Digital transformation is all about enabling innovation across the whole organisation, not just in IT
INTERVIEW: Simon Edwards, cyber security architect at Trend Micro, discusses WannaCry at Silicon's Infosecurity stand
The importance of applying patches in a timely manner highlighted after warning of a SAP flaw fixed in 2010
An app has been released to patch the "master key" vulnerability in Android phones, but only if they are jailbroken
For the second time in just over two months, Java gets a load of fixes
Adobe's patching on Tuesday failed to cover a number of notable flaws
Microsoft has fixed a XML Core Services bug that is being exploited in the wild in its latest security update
Next week, Microsoft will address an Internet Explorer flaw that has already been actively exploited in the wild
Oracle fixes a load of vulnerabilities, many of which could be used for remote code execution