OpenOffice In Danger Of Retirement, Warns Project LeaderOpenOffice In Danger Of Retirement, Warns Project Leader

OpenOffice In Danger Of Retirement, Warns Project Leader

Lack of developers blamed, but others cite poor support from Apache for the Microsoft Office alternative

9 years ago
Apache OpenOffice Valued at £13m Per DayApache OpenOffice Valued at £13m Per Day

Apache OpenOffice Valued at £13m Per Day

Open source Apache OpenOffice is worth £13m a day based on the number of average daily downloads

12 years ago
Apache Promotes OpenOffice As Top-Level ProjectApache Promotes OpenOffice As Top-Level Project

Apache Promotes OpenOffice As Top-Level Project

The OpenOffice productivity suite is now an Apache top-level project, but will LibreOffice users care?

12 years ago
LibreOffice Celebrates First Anniversary

LibreOffice Celebrates First Anniversary

It's one year since the Document Foundation created LibreOffice from the Oracle-controlled

13 years ago

IBM Donates Lotus Symphony Code To OpenOffice

IBM is donating the source code of its Office suite (Lotus Symphony) to the OpenOffice project

14 years ago Project Moves To Apache

Oracle has donated the source code for OpenOffice to Apache in a surprise move

14 years ago

Oracle Shifts To Full Open Source

Oracle has said it will turn the office suite into a fully community-based project

14 years ago 3.3 Is Uninspiring: Review

The open-source office-productivity suite appears doomed for mediocrity, next to TDF's LibreOffice

14 years ago