The city Linux desktop programme has come to an end with the vote to spend more than €50m euros to roll out Windows 10 desktops across the council

The city Linux desktop programme has come to an end with the vote to spend more than €50m euros to roll out Windows 10 desktops across the council
New release of open source Office suite includes cloud version, plus collaborative editing and other improvements
The Document Foundation makes LibreOffice 5.1.6 available for download by enterprises
Lack of developers blamed, but others cite poor support from Apache for the Microsoft Office alternative
Alternative Office suite bundles Windows 10 support, improved source code, and 'cleaner' user interface
Open source Apache OpenOffice is worth £13m a day based on the number of average daily downloads
The OpenOffice productivity suite is now an Apache top-level project, but will LibreOffice users care?
LibreOffice's first annual conference shows it to be in rude health following its fork from OpenOffice, says Iris Cheerin
The Apache Foundation has declared as an official part of its incubation scheme
The Document Foundation has put out what it calls the first version of LibreOffice that's ready for business
IBM is donating the source code of its Office suite (Lotus Symphony) to the OpenOffice project
This open-source office suite proves that forking is not always the kiss of death
The group that broke away from has launched its first version of the LibreOffice suite
German developers behind have jumped from the Oracle-backed ship to the newly independent LibreOffice project
Members behind the community have broken from Oracle under the name LibreOffice
Version 3.2 of the open source productivity suite delivers a handful of file format compatibility enhancements alongside continued gains in startup speed