Open Compute Project

LinkedIn, HPE Create Open19 Foundation For Open Data Centre Servers

Watch out OCP? Open19 Foundation will push its data centre blueprint for next generation, standardised servers

8 years ago

Microsoft Open Sources Its Future Cloud Hardware Design

Microsoft's open source dalliance continues with news of the Project Olympus cloud hardware design via Open Compute Project

8 years ago

Google, Rackspace Release Specs for IBM Power9-Based Server

Google and Rackspace announced draft specifications for the Zaius P9 data center server. The design implements Open Compute Project server…

8 years ago

Google Works With Facebook To Release First OCP Designs

Google shares plans for its data centre space-saving 48V rack Open Rack 2.0 Standard

8 years ago

Avaya Opens Up Operating System For Approved Network Providers

Avaya's network OS can now be deployed to rival vendor's hardware as part of branded 'white box' switching move

9 years ago

Microsoft Tackles Cloud Data Centre SDN With SONiC

Microsoft's latest contribution to the Open Compute Project is aimed at helping cloud data centre operators more quickly embrace efficient,…

9 years ago

Like Google, Facebook Is Open Sourcing Its AI Hardware

Facebook AI Research (FAIR) introduces 'Big Sur' artificial intelligence hardware, open sources it to the Open Compute Project

9 years ago

Facebook To Build Its Own ‘Wedge’ Datacentre SDN Switch

One in the eye for Cisco! Facebook will make its own SDN switches using its own Open Compute server hardware

11 years ago

AMD Upgrades Open Compute Project Servers

Servers based on the OCP's energy-efficient Open 3.0 specification are now available from Penguin Computing, ZT Systems and others, according…

12 years ago

Red Hat Joins Facebook’s Open Compute Project

Red Hat has joined Facebook's project to make a greater use of open source hardware within new data centres

13 years ago