online child protection

Facebook Grilled By US Senators Over Harm To Children Research

Facebook's head of safety faces tough questions from US senators over WSJ reports on Instagram impact on teenage girls self…

3 years ago

Children At Risk From End-to-End Encryption, Says Report

Plans by social media firms to widen the use of end-to-end encryption will put children a risk, Children Commissioner warns

4 years ago

Kuddle To Partner Microsoft For Child Friendly Tablet

A child friendly tablet is being developed by Microsoft and Norwegian picture sharing app Kuddle

10 years ago

CEOP Slams Twitter For Failing Children

Child protection body CEOP calls on Twitter to strengthen its reporting mechanisms to tackle problems of exploitation and abuse of…

13 years ago

CEOP Protects Hundreds Of Kids From Online Abuse

CEOP protected over 400 children from online threats last year, as parents turn to tech to track their offspring

13 years ago

Facebook May Sue Daily Mail Over ‘Sex Gang’ Headline

Legal action could follow a Daily Mail headline that linked Facebook to a paedophile gang

14 years ago