
Apple Services Resume After Multiple Outages

App Store and other Apple services are back online after outages over a two day period, reportedly being blamed on…

3 years ago

Major Websites Down After Global Outage

Major internet outage knocks oflline big name websites such as UK Government, Amazon, CNN, Bloomberg, Financial Times offline

4 years ago

Parler App Back Online Using ‘Independent’ Tech

Controversial social platform Parler, popular with the far right is now back online, but difficulties remain for its users

4 years ago

CloudFlare Gets Caught Out By 2016 Leap Second

The leap second caused CloudFlare's RRDNS software to "panic," but the error was quickly identified

8 years ago

10 Of The Best Offline Apps

Go off the grid with our selection of some of the finest offline apps around.

9 years ago

Amazon Outage Fails Weekend Shoppers

Amazon's Sunday night downtime also inconveniences Prime and Fire Phone users

10 years ago

Gmail Chrome Offline Web App Has Settings And Shortcuts Upgraded

Google has spruced up its offline Gmail Chrome app with a settings page, shortcut support, and making it snappier overall

13 years ago

Online Google HTML5 Apps Perform Without A Net

This week, Google's Chrome Web Store is adding offline access to Gmail, Calendar and Docs using HTML5

13 years ago