Take that Alexander Graham Bell! Faxes are older than the telephone, as the ability to send images over a wire was invented in 1843

Take that Alexander Graham Bell! Faxes are older than the telephone, as the ability to send images over a wire was invented in 1843
By taking .NET cross-platform and open-sourcing the technology, Microsoft wants to be all things to all developers
Mobilize.Net's WebMAP2 migration tool is designed to automatically migrate outdated .NET applications for mobile and cloud environments
NServiceBus creator Udi Dahan, will be delivering his three day NServiceBus Messaging course at Skills Matter in 2012.
A survey has found a significant shortage of developers working on Microsoft's .NET technology
Microsoft will release 16 bulletins next week for 34 vulnerabilities in Windows, Excel, IE and SQL Server
The Novell-sponsored Mono project team has set up a new company called Xamarin folowing Attachmate layoffs
JetBrains has launched an early-access release of dotPeek, a new decompiler for .Net
Networking firm announces its membership of open source Eclipse Foundation with Junos access
Rackspace has released a plug-in to allow Visual Studio 2010 .NET developers to deploy applications directly into its cloud infrastructure