NCSC To Train Private-Sector Security Staff

The centre allow the government to draw on private-sector expertise and vice-versa.

8 years ago

NCSC: UK Bombarded By State Cyber-Attacks

The UK is hit by dozens of serious threats to national cyber-security each month, says NCSC head Ciaran Martin

8 years ago

MPs Urge GCHQ Action On Bank Cyber-Crime

Financial regulators need their own cyber-security apparatus that isn't dependent upon GCHQ, argues the head of the Treasury Committee

8 years ago

Banks ‘Under-Reporting Cyber Attacks’ Say Security Firms

Banks are not providing enough details on cyber-attacks in order to downplay security fears, say insiders

8 years ago

Government Plans ‘Active’ Cyber Security Approach

Government plans to show more cyber-security initiative, says head of new National Cyber Security Centre, as NAO describes cabinet IT…

8 years ago