The fraudulent developer managed identify themselves as 'WhatsApp Inc.' on Google Play, bypassing the company's filters

The fraudulent developer managed identify themselves as 'WhatsApp Inc.' on Google Play, bypassing the company's filters
Business travel boost as Vodafone modernises Gatwick 4G network
Irish Prime Minister says Apple has not given firm commitment to new data centre but Dublin will do everything it can following local objections
ANALYSIS: There’s a lot to learn about your new iPhone X when it arrives. So set aside a few hours to get everything ready to work properly
What can you remember about the past seven days in tech?
Apple posts increase in iPhone, iPad and Mac sales and the iPhone X is still to come
What went wrong? Major outage across the world sees WhatsApp offline for at least half an hour
iPhone X encourages queues and fanfare as Apple's magic touch returns
What do you remember at Friends Reunited, Bebo, Myspace and the like?
Minister for the Digital Economy Matt Hancock reiterates government's full fibre vision and has a warning for BT and Openreach
Virgin Media's Project Lightning network expansion continues after difficult start to the year
BT Openreach FTTC network reaches 27 million premises as G.Fast coverage grows ahead of ultrafast target
UPDATED: The Surface Pro LTE will be aimed at workers on the move
At the chip company’s TechCon show, Arm officials say businesses and consumers must trust their connected devices if the IoT is to scale
Users have reported ghosted images on the screen, amongst other problems marring the launch of Google's iPhone 8 competitor
The 5G plans build on the district-wide public Wi-Fi network switched on last week and a projected network of 400 'small cell' transmitters
Open source desktop experience for mobile...trial sees Linux distributions run on Galaxy devices
We've been speaking to Microsoft about enterprise mobility, devices, sports and the future this month. So test your knowledge here!
Wave goodbye to the iconic QWERTY keyboard
The open data improves transportation network efficiency while creating economic opportunities and directly supporting hundreds of jobs
iOS? Android? Windows? Bada? What mobile operating system do you use at work? Let us know!
INTERVIEW: Microsoft's Brad Anderson tells Silicon why the Azure cloud, machine learning and enterprise mobility make Microsoft 365 businesses more secure
Thousands of users around the UK have reported problems making voice calls, but data and messaging services and emergency calls are unaffected
Nokia says slower than expected sales have led it stop development on the Nokia OZO VR camera
ANALYSIS: FCC approves license for Google's to set up its Project Loon communications system in hurricane-devastated Puerto Rico
AIM was a pioneer of instant communications on the web, but its popularity has waned and now it will finally be retired
ANALYSIS: Undisclosed entitlement allowed Uber to access to an iOS device’s frame buffer, which in turn could let the company see your screen
Microsoft releases Edge Mobile and launches a preview for its Android launcher
ANALYSIS: Vodafone's rebrand is one of the biggest in its history as it looks to move on from a couple of difficult years
Design and display tweaks with smarter features seen an evolution over the Pixel's predecessors