Researchers warn businesses to be vigilant as notorious IoT botnet looks to take over enterprise devices

Researchers warn businesses to be vigilant as notorious IoT botnet looks to take over enterprise devices
A botnet that surfaced over the weekend spread to thousands of smartphones and set-top boxes in the first hours of its existence
Variant of the more infamous Mirai malware starting to propagate very quickly, researchers warn
The Reaper botnet is expanding more aggressively than Mirai did and has the potential to cause more disruption, researchers say
The WireX botnet used hundreds of infected Android apps on Google Play and elsewhere to launch attack traffic against content providers
Following Mirai, the Persirai botnet is the latest to take over connected devices and use them to launch denial-of-service attacks
A malware family aimed at 'bricking' devices before they can be infected by Mirai has allegedly rendered millions of vulnerable devices useless
Researchers discover a new strain of the notorious Mirai botnet which goes bitcoin hunting
Prevalent threat intelligence challenges include dealing with the volume and quality of data being collected
Mirai returns (or at least a variant of it) warns researchers at Imperva Incapsula who witnessed the attack
The Imeij malware exploits a bug in AVTech video surveillance equipment first disclosed last year, but never patched by the Taiwanese vendor
The malware targeting connected devices is using increasingly complex techniques, Sophos has found
The IoT botnet code was used to power an attack that knocked Twitter and Netflix offline last year
Rise of the botnets levies threats at businesses and governments
The Mirai botnet has spread like wildfire and now infects 2,398 home routers across the UK, with 99 percent of them being Talk Talk routers.
Mirai botnet strikes again, attacking routers and cutting-off broadband
The 'anti-worm worm' was intended as a proof of concept, but experts warned of further security risk
British financial institutions are reportedly looking into buying up stocks of bitcoin that could be used to pay off denial-of-service attackers
The 'Mirai' family of botnets hijacks Internet-connected devices and uses them to launch large-scale attacks