Problems with Microsoft 365 and Teams have been resolved Microsoft confirms, after outage on Thursday for thousands of people

Problems with Microsoft 365 and Teams have been resolved Microsoft confirms, after outage on Thursday for thousands of people
Microsoft 365 Productivity Score feature, introduced last month, criticised for analysing 'extensive data' on individual employees' activities
Microsoft removes Cortana home and third-party capabilities, amongst other Windows 10 features removed or deprecated in latest release
Walmart is to use Microsoft's cloud services as it looks for ways to fend off pressure from Amazon
INTERVIEW: Microsoft's Brad Anderson tells Silicon why the Azure cloud, machine learning and enterprise mobility make Microsoft 365 businesses more secure
IGNITE 2017: Microsoft updates enterprise suite with compliance, security and usability tools ahead of GDPR next May, while Teams replaces Skype for Business as main comms tool
Microsoft 365 will come in Enterprise and Business flavours