MI6 Boss Calls For Greater Co-operation With Tech Sector

New head of MI6 calls for partnerships with tech industry, as rival nations continue to “pour money” into new technologies

3 years ago

Amazon Web Services Wins Contract From UK Intelligence Agencies

American cloud giant Amazon Web Services wins contract to host the UK's most sensitive national security data, but Labour wants…

3 years ago

UK To Create National Cyber Force, Amid £16.5bn Defence Rise

UK's biggest defence investment since Cold War, to combine cyber operations of UK military and intelligence in one unified command

4 years ago

Rare Video Of Bletchley Park Location During WW2 Emerges

Video footage of MI6 station Whaddon Hall, attached to the world famous code-breaking centre Bletchley Park, is released to the…

5 years ago

Government Surveillance Regime Lacks Oversight

GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 are sharing mass personal data with mininal privacy safeguards, Privacy International has told a tribunal

7 years ago

British Spy Agencies Have Carried Out Bulk Data Collection For Years

British intelligence agencies have been bulk collecting our personal data to a “staggering extent”

9 years ago

MI5 And MI6 Websites Attacked By Assange Protesters

Intelligence agencies the latest target in #OpFreeAssange

13 years ago

TeaMp0isoN Hacks MI6 Phones

Mischievous hacktivists phone-bomb the UK intelligence agency

13 years ago