messaging & communications

Salesforce And Slack Integrate Messaging And Cloud CRMSalesforce And Slack Integrate Messaging And Cloud CRM

Salesforce And Slack Integrate Messaging And Cloud CRM

Salesforce has teamed up with Slack with the aim of integrating features from each other’s services over the coming months.

8 years ago
Cisco Pushes H.264 Video Codec Toward StandardisationCisco Pushes H.264 Video Codec Toward Standardisation

Cisco Pushes H.264 Video Codec Toward Standardisation

Industry observers applauded Cisco's move to essentially open source H.264, but Google said it will continue to support the rival…

11 years ago
YouTube Looks For User Votes In Music AwardsYouTube Looks For User Votes In Music Awards

YouTube Looks For User Votes In Music Awards

The YouTube Music Awards will feature winners chosen by fans, in a live broadcast scheduled for 3 November

11 years ago
Google Plus Hangouts For iOS Gets Free Phone CallsGoogle Plus Hangouts For iOS Gets Free Phone Calls

Google Plus Hangouts For iOS Gets Free Phone Calls

Google+ Hangouts iOS users can now make free phone calls to any phone in the USA and Canada

11 years ago
Cisco Finds Younger Executives Driving Video CommunicationsCisco Finds Younger Executives Driving Video Communications

Cisco Finds Younger Executives Driving Video Communications

Younger executives are expecting to be able to use business-class video communications in their jobs, according to a Cisco survey

12 years ago
Snom To Distribute HP Lync-Optimised IP PhonesSnom To Distribute HP Lync-Optimised IP Phones

Snom To Distribute HP Lync-Optimised IP Phones

Enterprises will now be able to buy HP's IP phones, optimised for Microsoft's Lync technology, through Snom's worldwide distributor and…

12 years ago
Google Game Showcases WebRTC CommunicationsGoogle Game Showcases WebRTC Communications

Google Game Showcases WebRTC Communications

Google's Cube Slam game makes use of WebRTC, a browser technology that enables video chat without plug-ins

12 years ago
Microsoft Connects Skype, LyncMicrosoft Connects Skype, Lync

Microsoft Connects Skype, Lync

Microsoft has introduced voice and chat interoperability between its enterprise and consumer products

12 years ago
UK Users Quit Facebook Due To Advert FatigueUK Users Quit Facebook Due To Advert Fatigue

UK Users Quit Facebook Due To Advert Fatigue

Facebook usage has declined in the UK over the past year, with departing users saying they are fed up with…

12 years ago
US Beats Europe On Mobile Use While DrivingUS Beats Europe On Mobile Use While Driving

US Beats Europe On Mobile Use While Driving

Sixty-nine percent of US drivers admitted to talking on their mobile phones while driving, compared to 21 percent in the…

12 years ago
Logitech May Sell Video Conferencing BusinessLogitech May Sell Video Conferencing Business

Logitech May Sell Video Conferencing Business

Following poor financial results, Logitech has said it is considering selling businesses including the LifeSize video-conferencing unit

12 years ago
US Households Drop Landlines For MobileUS Households Drop Landlines For Mobile

US Households Drop Landlines For Mobile

About 34 percent of all US adults now live in households with only mobile telephones, according to a study by…

12 years ago
Queen’s Christmas Message To Be Broadcast In 3DQueen’s Christmas Message To Be Broadcast In 3D

Queen’s Christmas Message To Be Broadcast In 3D

The Queen's Christmas message will use 3D technology for the first time, 80 years after the first royal Christmas broadcast…

12 years ago
Obama Victory Tweet Breaks RecordObama Victory Tweet Breaks Record

Obama Victory Tweet Breaks Record

A Tweet by the campaign staff of US president Barack Obama became the most-retweeted Twitter post in history, surpassing a…

12 years ago
Lawsuit Seeks $15bn For Facebook Privacy ViolationsLawsuit Seeks $15bn For Facebook Privacy Violations

Lawsuit Seeks $15bn For Facebook Privacy Violations

The California class action lawsuit against Facebook arrives as a German official expresses concerns about the company's privacy approach

13 years ago

Twitter Hits 10m Users In UK

After a turbulent year for Twitter in the UK, the company has posted strong growth and is planning further engagement…

13 years ago

RIM Puts Social Tools Into Public Beta

The first beta of BBM Social Platform is aimed at Java developers, with WebWorks support planned for April

14 years ago