Ransomware attack on third-party supplier has compromised data of staff employed by Greater Manchester Police (GMP)

Ransomware attack on third-party supplier has compromised data of staff employed by Greater Manchester Police (GMP)
Cyberattack on KP Snacks has seen it issue a warning of shortages of crisps and peanuts in British shops over the coming months
Red Canary security researchers warn up to 30,000 Apple Mac computers are infected with 'Silver Sparrow' malware, that has no known goal
Malwarebytes issues warning, after update to a popular barcode scanning app on Google Play, transforms it into adware pusher
NCSC report reveals how defences of UK sport sector are being tested by cyber attackers, as one football club nearly loses £1 million
Beware the phishing scams warn experts, as the hack of easyJet make available more valuable personal information on the dark web
Ransomware attack has crippled currency seller services, with cyber criminals reportedly demanding a £4.5 million ransom within two days
Subscribers of the newly launched streaming service from the house of mouse say their accounts have been hacked
ANALYSIS: Updates from two vendors caused problems this month , but the difference in how they were handled was remarkable
Spyware to the left, ransomware to the right...new Malwarebytes report paints grim picture of growing cyber threats
Half of local government bodies said they've been affected by ransomware in the past year, with 76 percent hit by cyber attacks
New devious evasion technique from Locky ransomware found by Malwarebytes researchers
Apple not so safe after all. Rapid rise in malware targeting Mac devices, as Android security problem worsens
The Magnitude Exploit Kit is being used to deliver the Cerber ransomware, as the attackers obfuscate the code
The group behind the campaign has gone to great lengths to slip under the radar
The UK suffered a barrage of malware attacks in the first quarter of 2017
It seems no organisation is safe from cyber criminals as Saudi Arabian government becomes the latest target
Cisco also finds that malware attacks come with costly consequences for targeted businesses
This follows the discovery of a similar type of attack in November where an HTML5 API caused browsers to freeze
The security giant looks to turn its ailing consumer security software division
INTERVIEW: Malwarebytes CISO Justin Dollu has flipped the traditional IT hierarchy so tech adoption is done with cyber security in mind
The acquisition gives Malwarebytes access to the startup's adware an unwanted programe fighting tool
The City experiences more ransomware attacks than the rest of the UK combined
Crippling threat...20 percent of firms hit by ransomware had to cease business operations
Malwarebytes becomes sponsor of NASCAR team after its testing data was encrypted by ransomware
2016 is set to be “the year of the ransom” as threat continues to grow, Malwarebytes claims
Mac attack. Growing ransomware threat on Mac sees security vendor extend its enterprise tool to Apple platform
Websites of two US television stations hacked to display malware-ridden ads, Malwarebytes reports
Notorious Angler exploit kit is hiding as social buttons on hacked WordPress websites, says Malwarebytes
Visitors to sites including MSN, BBC and AOL all at risk from malvertising, Malwarebytes warns