
Tales In Tech History: Lotus SoftwareTales In Tech History: Lotus Software

Tales In Tech History: Lotus Software

Lotus Software had the opportunity to dominate the Office sector for the emerging PC market. What happened?

8 years ago
IBM Q1 Disappoints As Poor Deal Closures BiteIBM Q1 Disappoints As Poor Deal Closures Bite

IBM Q1 Disappoints As Poor Deal Closures Bite

IBM has surprised the markets after its first quarter 2013 financial results fell short of Wall Street expectations

12 years ago
IBM Designs Cloud Community For Government DeptsIBM Designs Cloud Community For Government Depts

IBM Designs Cloud Community For Government Depts

IBM's Federal Community Cloud allows government agencies to adopt social collaboration tools

14 years ago
IBM Donates Lotus Symphony Code To OpenOfficeIBM Donates Lotus Symphony Code To OpenOffice

IBM Donates Lotus Symphony Code To OpenOffice

IBM is donating the source code of its Office suite (Lotus Symphony) to the OpenOffice project

14 years ago
IBM Reveals Android-based Lotus Notes Traveler BetaIBM Reveals Android-based Lotus Notes Traveler Beta

IBM Reveals Android-based Lotus Notes Traveler Beta

IBM has released a beta version of its Android-based Lotus Notes Traveler for people who need access to their email…

15 years ago
IBM Launches Lotus Notes For Apple iPadIBM Launches Lotus Notes For Apple iPad

IBM Launches Lotus Notes For Apple iPad

IBM has formally anointed its free Lotus Notes Traveler Companion application with support for Apple's iPad

15 years ago
Google Apps Tool Targets Exchange UsersGoogle Apps Tool Targets Exchange Users

Google Apps Tool Targets Exchange Users

Google releases tool to help Microsoft Exchange customers move their email, calendar and contact data to Google Apps

15 years ago