London 2012

Infosec 2017: Sebastian Coe And The Cyber Threats Facing SportInfosec 2017: Sebastian Coe And The Cyber Threats Facing Sport

Infosec 2017: Sebastian Coe And The Cyber Threats Facing Sport

Seb Coe defends IAAF response to athlete data hack and shares insights from London 2012 cyber security plans

8 years ago
Lord Coe: Technology Has Changed Every Aspect Of SportLord Coe: Technology Has Changed Every Aspect Of Sport

Lord Coe: Technology Has Changed Every Aspect Of Sport

Lord Sebastian Coe says technology has changed sport for athletes, officials and spectators in ways unimaginable 30 years ago

11 years ago
iCITY To Become ‘Here East’ As Final Plans Approved By LLDCiCITY To Become ‘Here East’ As Final Plans Approved By LLDC

iCITY To Become ‘Here East’ As Final Plans Approved By LLDC

iCITY finalises its plans for a technology hub at the Olympic Park broadcast and press centres

11 years ago
iCITY Unveils Designs For Olympic Park Tech HubiCITY Unveils Designs For Olympic Park Tech Hub

iCITY Unveils Designs For Olympic Park Tech Hub

iCITY reveals new architectural designs for the former Olympic press and broadcast centres

11 years ago
iCITY Completes £1bn Olympic Tech Hub DealiCITY Completes £1bn Olympic Tech Hub Deal

iCITY Completes £1bn Olympic Tech Hub Deal

iCITY finalises deal to take over the Olympic press and broadcast centres

12 years ago
BT Sport To Boost iCITY Olympic Tech HubBT Sport To Boost iCITY Olympic Tech Hub

BT Sport To Boost iCITY Olympic Tech Hub

BT Sport studios take advantage of two of the UK's most connected buildings

12 years ago
Twitter Sets Olympic-Scale RecordsTwitter Sets Olympic-Scale Records

Twitter Sets Olympic-Scale Records

Records are set as Usain Bolt joins the pantheon of Twitter celebrities

13 years ago
BT Adds More Olympic Wi-Fi Hotspots To Hit 500k MilestoneBT Adds More Olympic Wi-Fi Hotspots To Hit 500k Milestone

BT Adds More Olympic Wi-Fi Hotspots To Hit 500k Milestone

BT Wi-Fi now has more than 500,000 access points in Greater London

13 years ago
BT Sees 13 Percent Olympics Traffic SpikeBT Sees 13 Percent Olympics Traffic Spike

BT Sees 13 Percent Olympics Traffic Spike

BT releases figures showing just how much of an impact the Olympics has had on its network

13 years ago
Twitter Bans UK Journalist For Olympic CriticismTwitter Bans UK Journalist For Olympic Criticism

Twitter Bans UK Journalist For Olympic Criticism

Guy Adams said NBC coverage of the London 2012 was bad. Thousands agreed.

13 years ago
Olympics Organiser LOCOG Embraces BYODOlympics Organiser LOCOG Embraces BYOD

Olympics Organiser LOCOG Embraces BYOD

EXCLUSIVE: LOCOG is using a BYOD scheme to help its mobile workers run the Olympics, with Good Technology brought in…

13 years ago
Olympic Mobile Data Strain Hampers London 2012 TV CoverageOlympic Mobile Data Strain Hampers London 2012 TV Coverage

Olympic Mobile Data Strain Hampers London 2012 TV Coverage

Men's cycling road race affected as spectators asked not to tweet at some events

13 years ago
IT Life: Running The Olympics IT MarathonIT Life: Running The Olympics IT Marathon

IT Life: Running The Olympics IT Marathon

Gerry Pennell runs the IT systems for London 2012: he is a slave to his watch!

13 years ago
Quiz Of The Week: Sport Tech – Are You An IT Olympian?Quiz Of The Week: Sport Tech – Are You An IT Olympian?

Quiz Of The Week: Sport Tech – Are You An IT Olympian?

London 2012 is just one week away, but what do you know about the role of technology in sport?

13 years ago
iCITY To Open Tech Hub In Olympic Park After London 2012iCITY To Open Tech Hub In Olympic Park After London 2012

iCITY To Open Tech Hub In Olympic Park After London 2012

iCITY named preferred bidder for Olympic Press and Broadcast Centres

13 years ago
Poll: Will London 2012 Have An Olympic-Sized Impact On Your Business?Poll: Will London 2012 Have An Olympic-Sized Impact On Your Business?

Poll: Will London 2012 Have An Olympic-Sized Impact On Your Business?

What effect will the London Olympics have on your business this summer

13 years ago
Social Networks To Help BT At London 2012 As TOC Goes 24-7Social Networks To Help BT At London 2012 As TOC Goes 24-7

Social Networks To Help BT At London 2012 As TOC Goes 24-7

With pictures: BT says social networks will help beat disruption at the London Olympic Games

13 years ago
London 2012 Olympics Are Built For Mobile, Says LOCOG CIOLondon 2012 Olympics Are Built For Mobile, Says LOCOG CIO

London 2012 Olympics Are Built For Mobile, Says LOCOG CIO

London will leave a great IT legacy says Gerry Pennell

13 years ago

BT Promises London 2012 Will Be ‘Most Connected Games’

BT says it's been a challenge, but it has done everything it can

13 years ago

Olympic IT Systems Face Final Hurdle

Atos says final technical rehearsal to take place next week.

13 years ago

TFL Counts On Developers To Help Ease Olympic Travel Chaos

Transport 'hotspot' data released to developers to help travelling public 'Get Ahead of the Games'

13 years ago

Civil Servants Stay Home With Operation StepChange

This week, civil servants are testing out home working. Is it for the Olympics, or is there a bigger game…

13 years ago

Government Warns Of Olympic Internet Threat

Government warns of slow Internet access: one more reason to be less excited by the London 2012 Olympics

13 years ago

London 2012 Launches Get Ahead Of The Games Website

New website will highlight potential congestion flashpoints and advice for changing transport arrangements during Olympics

13 years ago

EDF Energy Sticks Samsung Galaxy Tabs In London Eye

London Eye pods have Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 devices with an interactive guide of the city's sights

13 years ago

Samsung And Visa To Offer Olympic Mobile Payments

Visitors to London for the Olympics will be able to use NFC-equipped mobile phones to buy snacks and drinks

14 years ago