
Chip Fabrication Issues Slash AMD Revenue ForecastChip Fabrication Issues Slash AMD Revenue Forecast

Chip Fabrication Issues Slash AMD Revenue Forecast

Problems with the supply of 32nm 'Llano' Fusion chips have forced AMD to lower its third-quarter forecasts

13 years ago
Sales Dip But AMD’s Fusion Ramp Grows ProfitsSales Dip But AMD’s Fusion Ramp Grows Profits

Sales Dip But AMD’s Fusion Ramp Grows Profits

AMD's Fusion initiative helped it swing to a $61 million profit though overall sales fell five percent last quarter

14 years ago
AMD Launches First APU For Desktop PCsAMD Launches First APU For Desktop PCs

AMD Launches First APU For Desktop PCs

AMD rolls out the Fusion A-Series, its first APU's for desktop users looking for a high-end graphics experience

14 years ago
AMD Llano Platform Arrives In New HP MachinesAMD Llano Platform Arrives In New HP Machines

AMD Llano Platform Arrives In New HP Machines

AMD has officially launched its “Llano” platform, its Fusion A-Series accelerated processing units

14 years ago
AMD Eyes Tablets But Focus Remains Its PC BusinessAMD Eyes Tablets But Focus Remains Its PC Business

AMD Eyes Tablets But Focus Remains Its PC Business

While AMD admits to eyeing-up the tablet space, the company's focus is to deliver on current promises

14 years ago
AMD Plans APU Fusion Chip Roll Out For CESAMD Plans APU Fusion Chip Roll Out For CES

AMD Plans APU Fusion Chip Roll Out For CES

Like Intel, AMD is unveiling its first Fusion APUs, which offer computing and graphics on a single chip, at CES

14 years ago
AMD ‘Llano’ APU Chip Shows Off Its PacesAMD ‘Llano’ APU Chip Shows Off Its Paces

AMD ‘Llano’ APU Chip Shows Off Its Paces

AMD showed off its upcoming “Llano” APU, which integrates compute and graphics capabilities for notebooks and desktop PCs

14 years ago