Keeping it cool. After submerging a data centre in the North sea, Microsoft now submerges its servers in so called 'bath tubs'

Keeping it cool. After submerging a data centre in the North sea, Microsoft now submerges its servers in so called 'bath tubs'
Good to be green. Fujitsu says its Primergy cooling tech for data centres can halve cooling costs
If you've got a data centre, it's time to dip your toes in liquid, says Peter Judge
The boiling coolant in SGI's ICE X supercomputer is a sign to Peter Judge that liquid cooling is still evolving
The tiny start-up from Sheffield is making waves in the liquid cooling market
Liquid cooling dominates the Green500 list - even though it doesn't full measure efficiency, says Peter Judge
Besides the obvious benefits, liquid cooling lets you simplify your data centre, says Peter Judge
Fuel cells and recovered energy are nothing. eBay's Dean Nelson has more ideas up his sleeve
Iceotope has prepared the facility for the "worst winter in decades"
NEC is cooling server racks with fluid that changes to a vapour and back
Leeds University is testing a cooling system that could have wider uses
HP and Intel are using Xeon processors and ProLiant servers to build an energy-efficient supercomputer system
Plans to license its liquid submersion technology for servers and supercomputers
Liquid cooling in data centres has normally been difficult and costly. GRC's Christiaan Best reckons he can change all that
Using liquid instead of air can cut cooling by 97 percent, Iceotope believes
A radical way to cool your servers by submerging them in liquid could also potentially heat buildings
AMD has smashed the overclocking speed record thanks to the use of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium
This year, Wimbledon goes 3D and IBM's liquid-cooled systems serve deeper analysis to the audience
Hardcore Computer is in Europe promoting the green benefits of liquid cooling, with advice from Scott McNealy
In a development that could remove the need for air cooling inside data centres, a company is now offering liquid immersion cooling for blade servers