US judges dismisses Apple copyright infringement claim against Corellium, but iPad maker may pursue separate federal law claim

US judges dismisses Apple copyright infringement claim against Corellium, but iPad maker may pursue separate federal law claim
Rival app store Cydia for jail broken iOS devices sues Apple, alleging it monopolises software distribution on its devices
Fully updated Apple devices contain the exploit that allows the first public jailbreak for Apple's iOS operating system for nearly four years
End of jailbreaking? Apple amends lawsuit to allege copyright infringement in an effort to quash jailbreaking
I spy with my little iPhone! Apple rushes out iPhone patch after discovery of government spying hack
Evad3rs release new version of Evasi0n, but says don't use it for piracy
An app has been released to patch the "master key" vulnerability in Android phones, but only if they are jailbroken
Allows jailbreakers to run old MacOS X on the Microsoft’s tablet
Three days after its launch, the new iPad had been hacked in three different ways
A group of iOS hackers have released a free jailbreaking tool for the Apple iPhone 4S and iPad 2
The latest jailbreak tool for Apple's mobile devices takes advantage of flaws in the current iOS5 binary and kernel
The Microsoft approved jailbreak tool for Windows Phone 7 has reached its 10,000 download limit
RIM is playing a patching game with jailbreakers who have re-hacked the PlayBook just after it was fixed
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is asking for legal loopholes to protect users who jailbreak smartphones or video game consoles
Research in Motion is investigating claims that hackers have 'rooted' its Playbook tablet
Android coders have successfully rooted the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet to allow for its customisation
Malware targeting Android "Gingerbread" uses jailbreak exploit for root access to run remote instructions
Apple has patched iOS to stop the installation of JailbreakMe - but hackers claim to circumvented it already
A German federal agency has revealed a major security flaw in Apple iPhones and iPads
Microsoft has acknowledged a second Windows Phone 7 jailbreak tool is on the way, following the ChevronWP7
The tool, called ChevronWP7, allows users to load any application onto their device
Remotely measuring a user’s heartbeat is just one of the methods proposed by Apple to monitor “unauthorised users” and potentiall disable jailbroken iPhones
The source code for a new jailbreak for the iPhone has been released, leveraging two vulnerabilities in Apple’s iOS mobile operating system
Apple has closed the door on two vulnerabilities used to jailbreak the iPhone
A Web-based jailbreak for the Apple iPhone shows mobile devices' vulnerability to remote exploits
The US Copyright Office recently gave its approval for the jailbreaking of mobile devices, turning phones into commodities, says PJ Connolly
One analyst suggests there's little Apple can do over a federal regulators' ruling that iPhone owners can legally "jailbreak" their smartphones
The U.S. Copyright Office and the Library Congress gave the OK to iPhone jailbreaking, ruling against Apple
Hackers have reportedly already cracked open the iPad. Meanwhile another report has suggested the device will hit UK shores on 24 April