Apple says it will sell the Apple Watch 9 and Ultra 2 models in US without the blood-oxygen sensor at the centre of patent dispute

Apple says it will sell the Apple Watch 9 and Ultra 2 models in US without the blood-oxygen sensor at the centre of patent dispute
Redesign plan to remove blood-oxygen sensor on certain Apple Watch models is dependent on an appeal court decision
US International Trade Commission (ITC) denies motion by Apple to halt an upcoming import ban on Apple Watches
Bitter patent battle between Sonos and Google to continue, after judge rules the later must face trial on 8 May
No help for Tim Cook from Biden Administration, after US International Trade Commission ruling may block imports of Apple Watches
Google has removed some features related to the control of multi-room audio playback after a major legal win by rival speaker maker Sonos
Round two. Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson claims Samsung has infringed some of its 4G and 5G patents – US ITC says it will investigate
Qualcomm hauls Apple before International Trade Commission again to demand US import ban on certain iPhones
Yet another legal setback for Google after Microsoft wins an ITC ruling over its Xbox gaming system
Ericsson's patent battle continues after it asked the ITC to ban Samsung devices from entering America
Microsoft has brushed off overtures by Motorola, which is seeking to settle their patent dispute
The International Trade Commission has determined that certain of Motorola's Android handsets violate a Microsoft synchronisation patent
Apple has been cleared of violating HTC's intellectual property by a new ruling by the US trade regulators
Apple's patent victory over HTC will have other Android phone makers quaking in their boots, says Nicholas Kolakowski
Apple has suffered a legal setback in its patent legal battles following an initial report by the ITC