
Foxconn Sees Supply Chain Improvements For Second Half Of Year

iPhone manufacturer Foxconn raises financial projections for second half of year as lockdowns ease in China and supply chain stability…

3 years ago

Apple Targets 100 Percent Recycled iPhones In Environmental Push

Apple pledges sustainable future but won't shift on "right to repair" issue

8 years ago

Samsung Tempts Apple Users Onto Gear Platform With Extended iOS Compatibility

Will it be enough to tempt Apple users onto the Gear platform in an unpredictable smartwatch market?

8 years ago

Don’t Tell Your iPhone That It’s 1970

Taking your iPhone back to the future will brick it, unfortunate users find

9 years ago

Prank Website Crashes iPhones, Chrome, And Firefox Browsers

A prank website doing the rounds today is causing havoc for internet users as their browsers crash and iPhones reboot

9 years ago