Millions of users of older iPhones and Android handsets are to lose access to WhatsApp, after support ends 31 December

Millions of users of older iPhones and Android handsets are to lose access to WhatsApp, after support ends 31 December
A Cambridge computer scientist claims has achieved an iPhone 5C hack the FBI struggled to do with $1 million
New device will offer iPhone 6 features in iPhone 5 case with a 4-inch screen
8Gb version of iPhone 5C reaches UK operators, but don't expect it to be a cheap option
China Mobile reportedly sells 'millions' of Apple iPhones ahead of Chinese launch on 17 January
The iPhone 5S and 5C launch worked for Apple, but Android is still dominant and Windows Phone continues its European push
Evad3rs release new version of Evasi0n, but says don't use it for piracy
iPhone 5S outsells iPhone 5C in the UK as Windows Phone continues European march, say latest sales figures
Sliding profits at Apple should come as no surprise, given the increase in smartphone competition, says Wayne Rash
Questions raised about Apple smartphone strategy as operators report lukewarm demand for cheaper iPhone
Apple releases carrier settings update for its new handsets
TechWeekEurope readers prefer iPhone 5 to iPhone 5C, but the majority don't want either
Apple does not reveal individual sales figures, but iOS 7 has been downloaded 200m times
iPhone 5S is sold out amid suggestions Apple wants to drive iPhone 5C sales
Apple is discontinuing the iPhone 5 in favour of the new iPhone 5C, but do TechWeek readers think this is the right decision?
Operators reveal their tariffs for the "unashamedly plastic" iPhone 5C
Apple replaces famous design less than a year after agreeing £13.6m licensing deal
Samsung plans to match the iPhone 5S' A7 processor and dismisses threat of iPhone 5C in China
Do you know everything there is to know about Apple's new smartphones? Find out with our quiz!
Apple’s ambition to crack the Chinese market with its cheaper iPhone may be thwarted after a chilly reception
Apple's twin-handset strategy shows it can innovate and adapt in equal measure, says Steve McCaskill
iPhone 5S adds improved camera, 64-bit processor and fingerprint sensor, while iPhone 5S targets lower price points