Apple could find itself attacked simultaneously for wasting energy at the client, and burning coal-fired power in its iCloud data centres, says Peter Judge

Apple could find itself attacked simultaneously for wasting energy at the client, and burning coal-fired power in its iCloud data centres, says Peter Judge
Microsoft is continuing its symbiotic relationship with Apple through a customised OneNote for the iPad
A court rules that the iPad and iPhone should be banned in Germany, but Apple is set to appeal
Samsung will go head-to-head with the iPad 3 with its own "retina" display tablet in New Year
Google has launched Currents, an app for receiving magazine content on Android and Apple iOS devices
Australian High Court rejects Apple's appeal to extend Galaxy Tab ban, but US no-ban decision is appealed
The Chinese courts have rejected Apple's claim to the iPad branding because of a disputed prior claim
Eight new apps have been released that help make popular tablets usable with IBM enterprise systems
Touchies gloves let touch screen users stay connected this Christmas with conductive thread technology
A US District Court has refused to grant a preliminary injunction against Samsung's smartphone and tablets
Amazon's Kindle Fire is developing into the first real competitor to Apple's iPad, according to market predictions
Australian court bans Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 for another week so Apple can launch high court appeal
Microsoft's Windows 8 on tablets will face entrenched rivals like Apple's iPad and a host of other competitors
In the run-up to Christmas, Amazon and Apple have claimed strong sales for the Kindle Fire and iPad tablets
Apple is offering one-day discounts on iPads, iPods, iMacs and other products
HP's defunct TouchPad ran second to Apple iPad in sales for most of 2011, according to data from NPD Group
An Apple insider says the iPhone 5 will have a larger four-inch screen and more pixels on the iPad 3
Flash used to be central to Google's competition with Apple's devices. Now it seems HTML5 is enough, says Clint Boulton
Low price could bring high sales for Amazon's Android tablet-reader, says analyst Piper Jaffray
ChangeWave and RBC Capital Markets research shows Amazon Kindle Fire will share iPad spotlight
The launch of the iPhone App Store created a rush to build third-party services. J Gerry Purdy thinks iCloud may have the same effect
As consumerisation blurs the lines of personal and professional, Comtact’s Dominic List looks at ways to cope
Palo Alto Networks has launched new security technology aimed at branch offices, iOS devices and malware
IBM says the post-PC era is here as many online Christmas shoppers use mobile devices
Apple has admitted there are battery life problems in iPhone 4S but an iOS 5 update is in hand to reduce the load
Apple has acquired mapping company C3 to boost the topographical technology in iOS devices
Over 90 percent of Fortune firms are testing the iPad. Apple is apparently more enterprise-friendly than believed
Steve Jobs was intimately involved in Apple's process for coming up with new products, according to a new biography
Steve Jobs' description of Android as 'stolen' is unfair, but his anger that Google developed its own mobile OS knew no bounds, says Wayne Rash
For business, readers want a Galaxy, or an iPad. Next: which applications would you put on the cloud?