Apple rolls out latest version of iOS to iPhone and iPad users, fixing a number of security flaws

Apple rolls out latest version of iOS to iPhone and iPad users, fixing a number of security flaws
User rate boosted by recent release of iOS7.1 upgrade earlier this month, according to Apple statistics
New version of iOS includes multitude of bug fixes, cosmetic updates and support for Apple's new in-car system CarPlay
Report suggests iOS 7.1 is nearly out, bringing visual updates and new in-car features
Apple users' solidarity puts Android fragmentation to shame
Evad3rs release new version of Evasi0n, but says don't use it for piracy
Some iOS 7 users have encountered a bug that reboots the iPhone 5S when using iDrop or iWork
Apple is apparently working on a fix to iMessage glitch
Wayne Rash found Apple's iOS 7 is an improvement, even though some features are quirky
Apple quick to address simple iOS lockscreen bypass
Some iPhone users are fooled by a fake advert telling them to drop their iPhones in water
Apple does not reveal individual sales figures, but iOS 7 has been downloaded 200m times
A flaw in iOS 7 is simple to exploit, requiring something resembling a cheat code to access photos and social networks of users
Apple replaces famous design less than a year after agreeing £13.6m licensing deal
iOS 7 will be made available to iPhone 4 or later and iPad 2 or later next week
Apple could reveal a cheaper iPhone alongside the next model of its flagship smartphone next month
"Jekyll" exploit can introduce malicious functionality after Apple checks, whilst bespoke chargers can install malware on iPhones
iOS 7 comes with a host of mobile device management features it hopes will interest IT heads
iOS 7 adds nothing new, says Wayne Rash. How long can Apple get by on borrowed ideas?
Sir Jonathan Ive makes his mark on iOS 7 as Apple reveals iTunes Radio
Apple drafts in Mac engineers for iOS 7, but is still expected to meet September target