Some people poured cold water on IBM's New Watson AI Unit. Daryl Taft says the project needs time to prove itself

Some people poured cold water on IBM's New Watson AI Unit. Daryl Taft says the project needs time to prove itself
Cyberpunk novels got Dell's Dominique Vanhamme into tech
The next Microsoft CEO could be promoted from within
John McAfee was a liability, and the Intel brand is stronger, says Sean Michael Kerner
John McAfee is happy to see his name off Intel's security products, but the change will make Intel's sales harder, say rivals
It's no wonder businesses are trying to avoid upgrading from Windows XP, says Wayne Rash
Iain Chidgey from Delphix says it’s about time we replace the relational database
Governments' energy policies and surveillance activities will unintentionally shape our data centres, says Peter Judge
Investors must see something if they are going to invest in a company that's just lost £2.7 billion, says Steve McCaskill
Alan Turing's pardon is welcome, but he wasn't the one at fault, says Peter Judge
Check your Christmas credit card bills, don't be scared of security breaches, says Sean Michael Kerner
for Barry Shteiman, security is all about people sharing information to keep each other secure
President Obama's task force wants to make sure a new Edward Snowden is not possible... or necessary, says Sean Michael Kerner
Schneier isn't leaving because of alleged BT connections with GCHQ spying, as "conspiracy theories" are shrugged off by the telecoms giant
Marissa Mayer's apology doesn't wipe out Yahoo's mishandling of its email fail, says Michelle Maisto
The CIO hs become dominant, but Calum MacLeod thinks the species could go the way of the dinosaurs
James Shannon likes the challenge of making mobile data connect with real life
The NSA is tracking you with Google cookies. Sean Michael Kerner is not surprised
Sean Michael Kerner welcomes Mirage, the Xen project's bid to make a specialised cloud operating system
The Mars rover 'Curiosity' has now fired its laser 100,000 times since landing on the red planet last year
Security analyst Jonathan French likes to be solving problems
Pilot Wayne Rash shoots down Amazon's ambition to deliver goods by drone
As the value of a Bitcoin increases, so does the scale of attacks on the currency, says Sean Michel Kerner
Banks and other bodies can be hit badly if their Internet service fails, warns Stephen Bonner
Cyber Monday sucks, and it's all a sign of the faltering creativity of marketers, who are getting ever more invasive, says Tom Brewster
Mozilla's revenues have come a long way, but most of its income is from one source, says Sean Michael Kerner
Virtualisation has created a glut of duplicated data. Virtualised databases can trim the fat away, says Iain Chidgey
Colin Tankard likes modems - and makes his living in data security
Adobe users' passwords were stolen and the FBI got hit. Sean Michael Kerner smells password reuse
Charles Bligh loves the cloud, the web and his iPad