News Interviews

Storage Economics: When Data Meets Dough

If you think storage is cheap, you aren't doing your sums right. The big picture, with power, carbon, and legal costs, adds up to a new discipline, says Hitachi Data Systems' David Merrill - a storage economist

Why The Mainframe Will Never Die

Users need support in ever more demanding workloads, greening strategies and cloud computing models, which guarantees the mainframe's continuing relevance, says Anne Altman

Desktop Power Cuts Beat Server Savings

Desktop management are a quicker green hit than server consolidation, says Andy Lawrence. Oh yes, and IT managers should rule the world too (or at least manage their buildings)

Did The Recession Kill Green IT?

The bandwagon was just getting rolling when the economic recession kicked in. Is that the end for Green IT? Not at all, says The 451 Group's Andy Lawrence.

Green IT Must Look Beyond Cost Cutting

Businesses are pushing ahead with efficiency projects, but they must not forget  Green IT jobs like carbon management, before regulations force them, says Gartner's Simon Mingay.