News Interviews

Industry Must Tackle IPv4 Depletion

The IT industry has ignored the availability of IPv6 addresses for too long at the risk of adding unnecessary risk and complexity to internet architectures, says Axel Pawlik, managing director of RIPE NCC.

Solid State Disks Fill The I/O Gap

The I/O controller was once a humble device, but it's the key to creating evolved storage systems that get the best out of solid-state and spinning diskĀ  evolved into a data conditioning platform

BT: Digital Britain Needs New Thinking

BT has plenty of ideas to help meet the Digital Britain plans for a universal broadband service - but the government needs to work out what services users need, says BT's corporate strategy director

Google: The Limits Of Security

Don't ask to run Google Apps on your own server. If you want that, you're wrong, says Google's Eran Feigenbaum. But does Google use two-factor authentication or not?

Why Should We Trust A Green Printer Maker?

Users need to save money and resources by printing less, but printer vendors want to sell more printers. There's no conflict, says Graham Long of Samsung: it's up to vendors to face the inevitable and lead the way

Open Source Flies In A Recession, Says Ingres

Open source software is the only way for users to meet the economic crisis, says Roger Burkhardt of Ingres. But they will have to take some short term pain to get out of proprietary licence structures.