
The People’s Operator: The Charitable Network Plotting Big Things

The People's Operator's Mark Epstein reveals what's next for the charitable business

12 years ago

IT Life: A Lifeline For City IT

Complexity and unpredictability are what worries Roger Keenan, managing director of London-based co-location company City Lifeline

12 years ago

Google Enterprise: More Than Just Apps

TechWeekEurope talks to Google Enterprise boss Thomas Davies about the changing approach to business in the post-PC era

12 years ago

Tech City: Let’s Get Over Our Silicon Valley Obsession

London has a Silicon Valley obsession but it should get over it, says Benjamin Southworth, deputy CEO of the Tech…

12 years ago

CrowdStrike Wants UK Firms To Fight Cyber Crooks – But Is It ‘Nuts’?

When CrowdStrike CEO Shawn Henry calls on UK firms to fight back, is he inciting more cyber crime?

12 years ago

IT Life: The Joy Of Building Data Centres

Lawrence Buxton likes building Sentrum Colo's data centres, and looks forward to organic computers

12 years ago

RIM: BlackBerry 10 Administration Tools Don’t Exist On Any Other Platform

BlackBerry 10 will appeal to both the consumer and the enterprise, RIM's Jeff Holleran tells TechWeekEurope

12 years ago

Jim Zemlin: Proprietary Software Is Doomed

SPAIN: Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation tells Silicon News that Linux and open source must win in…

12 years ago

IT Life: Keeping Janet Turned On

Janet is one of the most important networks in the UK - we meet one of the key men helping…

12 years ago

Meet Our New Cyber Security Minister: Chloe Smith

We quiz the government's new cyber security minister Chloe Smith on education, funding and use of dodgy data

12 years ago

Vyatta: Software Defined Networking Depends On Standards

The key thing for software defined networking is open standards and commodity hardware, says Vyatta's Kelly Herrell

12 years ago

IT Life: Driving Networking Technology Forward

Networking is meat and drink to Peter Jennings of MLL Telecom - but he finds time to drive and care…

12 years ago

Governments To Show ‘Public Demonstrations Of Cyber War Power’

Cyber war is coming and governments are going to flex their muscles in the coming months, says Mikko Hypponen

12 years ago

Wireless Charging: Qi Claims Lead On Powermat’s PMA

Qi wireless charging is way ahead of Powermat, says Wireless Power Consortium chair Menno Treffers.

12 years ago

Acer: We Are Aggressive About Touch

Acer’s Jerry Kao talks to TechWeekEurope about the future of touchscreen

12 years ago

Open Root: The Grandfather Of The Internet Takes On ICANN

FRANCE: Louis Pouzin invented a precursor to the Internet's TCP/IP's protoool, and now he wants to break ICANN's monopoly on…

12 years ago

Nokia Loses To RIM On Smartphone Sales

The Finnish company drops to the sixth place in the smartphone chart

12 years ago

IT Life: The Joy Of Log Management

Forty years at the cutting edge of log management, has left Assuria's Nick Connor with an abiding love of the…

12 years ago

Doug Cutting: Big Data Is No Bubble

Even the hype can't spoil the real future of Big Data, says Hadoop creator Doug Cutting

12 years ago

IT Life: Complexities Are Fascinating

TechWeekEurope chats to Pravin Paratey, CTO at Affectv, about the appeal of complex problems, wearable computing and his days as…

12 years ago

IBM PureSystems – A Bit Of Cloud For Mainframes?

IBM PureSystems are a quiet revolution, says IBM's Tikiri Wanduragala

12 years ago

RSA 2012: Art Coviello – There’s Proof Governments And Cyber Crooks Are Collaborating

Art Coviello talks to us about government and cyber criminal cooperation, icy relations with China and the exploit seller market

12 years ago

Xerox: How Research Can Make Services Green

Xerox Research gets to work on efficiency for its growing services business, says Tom Blodgett

12 years ago

Tinkoff: How To Build An Online Business In Russia

RUSSIA: Entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov visits London to talk about his latest projects – Tinkoff Credit Systems and Tinkoff Digital

12 years ago

Nokia S40 Support Is Key For Asha Feature Phone Success

Support for the aging S40 platform is crucial to getting the next billion people online says Nokia's Ana Mangahas

12 years ago

Windows Server 2012 Is Cloud-Augmented, Not Cloud-Hosted

Windows Server 2012 does not change the traditional model for Windows servers - it just extends it with cloud delivery,…

12 years ago

Europe Plays Cyber War Games – But What Now?

Evangelos Ouzounis, the leader of Europe's cyber war games tells us what happens now as the EU prepares to launch…

12 years ago

Software AG: What Is This Process Stuff About?

Software AG has staked out business process automation - but what does that mean? Darren Roos tells us

12 years ago

Why MongoDB Is Not Just For Big Data

MongoDB is the go-to NoSQL database for Big Data and small projects alike, says 10gen CEO Max Schireson,

12 years ago

IT Life: Extracting The Intelligence From Big Data

Charles Clark served in the army and the City, but finds Big Data - in the shape of cloud business…

12 years ago