
Printing That Won’t Cost The Earth

Weaning users off their personal printers, and eliminating abandoned documents from the print tray are the key stps to greening…

15 years ago

Performance Management Might Help Get You Through The Crisis

You'll survive the recession better, if you understand how your business is doing, and how it could be improved, says…

15 years ago

Data Centre Cooling – It’s Not Rocket Science

All it takes to get an efficient data centre is to apply well known technologies better, says Mike West -…

15 years ago

Storage Economics: When Data Meets Dough

If you think storage is cheap, you aren't doing your sums right. The big picture, with power, carbon, and legal…

15 years ago

Opera Browser Doesn’t Need The iPhone, Says Von Tetzchner

The iPhone's effect on the mobile Internet is over-rated, says Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner. What the whole world needs…

15 years ago

Sustainable IT Holds Opportunities For The UK

Computing can affect the future of this planet, says the Cambridge professor of computing, Andy Hopper. And there are opportunities…

15 years ago

Can Wi-Fi Rescue The 3G Operators?

Mobile broadband is growing too fast for the operators' networks to keep up, says Selina Lo of Ruckus. She says…

15 years ago

Why The Mainframe Will Never Die

Users need support in ever more demanding workloads, greening strategies and cloud computing models, which guarantees the mainframe's continuing relevance,…

15 years ago

Intel’s Gordon Moore Celebrates Fifty Years Of ICs

Fifty years ago, the integrated circuit was invented. Gordon Moore predicted the speed of development since then - and founded…

15 years ago

Energy-Saving Servers: There’s More Work To Do

Energy Star for servers won't be a simple matter, because users will have to take account of the load on…

15 years ago

Desktop Power Cuts Beat Server Savings

Desktop management are a quicker green hit than server consolidation, says Andy Lawrence. Oh yes, and IT managers should rule…

15 years ago

ISO 27001 Security Management? “It’s Bloody Brilliant!”

Security standards let management push back against over-enthusiastic IT security fans, says governance expert Alan Calder

15 years ago

Did The Recession Kill Green IT?

The bandwagon was just getting rolling when the economic recession kicked in. Is that the end for Green IT? Not…

15 years ago

Green IT Must Look Beyond Cost Cutting

Businesses are pushing ahead with efficiency projects, but they must not forgetĀ  Green IT jobs like carbon management, before regulations…

15 years ago

VMware’s vSPhere: “Bigger, More Open, More Resilient”

The virtualisation giant is pretty pleased with its new "cloud OS", vSphere. Is it really that different from the competition.…

15 years ago

Knowledge Is Power – And Power Management Needs Data

It's no good trying to guess your way to a low-energy data centre, says Avocent's CTO Ben Grimes. You have…

15 years ago

Enterprise Networks Can Cut Emissions, Too

From Energy Efficient Ethernet to a company's own supply network, there's a lot that networks can do to reduce a…

15 years ago

Servers Can Be Both Eco and Logical, Claims Rackable

Is there room in the market for a specialist builder of data-centre servers? Rod Evans, the boss of Rackable Systems'…

15 years ago

Is Microsoft Pleasing Embedded Developers?

With more smart devices hooking onto the Internet, Microsoft has had to raise itsĀ  game in what it offers to…

15 years ago

Dell Plans To Replace Consultants With The Cloud

The direct model did away with the old way of buying PCs. Now it's time to apply cloud economics to…

15 years ago

Green is The Colour of Money, Too

Done properly, going green means lower costs, not higher, says Dave Cox, operations chief at Blue Coat and the man…

15 years ago

The Recession Won’t Hold Back The Cloud

The time is right for cloud computing - and prices are holding up despite the recession, according to Rackspace's chief…

16 years ago

Widespread IT Broadens The Attack Surface

Threats are growing, and companies simply do not have the option to ignore the problem. This will drive a more…

16 years ago

Richard Stallman: Free software costs the environment less

The GNU founder claims that free software should be more sustainable than proprietary - and argues that the UK and…

16 years ago

Will BT’s Wind Farm Come To Grief?

BT has an impressive record in reducing its carbon footprint - and helping others do the same. But complex carbon…

16 years ago

Brocade Calls Cisco On Efficiency

Cisco may have designs on the data centre, but Brocade plans to use a power-saving message push into Cisco's home…

16 years ago

Keep investing in (our) IT, Microsoft tells EU

IT should be part of any stimulus package, Microsoft will tell a big audience of European public sector opinion-makers today.…

16 years ago

Heretical Seanodes Shares Storage With No External Hardware

Shared storage needs NAS and SAN hardware doesn't it? Not if you listen to Jacques Baldinger, CEO of Seanodes, a…

16 years ago

AMD CEO On The Decision to Spin Off Foundries

AMD started out competing with Intel under the banner "Real Men Have Fabs". Now CEO Dirk Meyer explains the company's…

16 years ago

Citrix: the Virtual Route to Sustainable IT

Sustainable IT departments will have to weather some big changes. One of the largest is the move to virtual servers.…

16 years ago