
A Hundred Years Of Achievement At IBM

During a rare public appearance in Silicon Valley, IBM's chief executive Sam Palmisano reflects on IBM's first century and what…

13 years ago

Dell Buys Force10 For ‘Open’ Data Centres

With Force 10's networks, Dell can offer converged data centres - but users will have an escape route, says Forrest…

13 years ago

IBM’s Watson Could Shake Up The Enterprise

Commercialising Watson has clear and exciting implications for the enterprise, says IBM's Craig Rhinehart

13 years ago

Cloud Security Action Can Ruin Malware Economics

Speedy cloud-based security protection can hobble small profiteers and rein in online cyber-criminals, claims Eugene Kaspersky

13 years ago

Yahoo Grooming Hadoop As A Big Data Standard

Yahoo's Raymie Stata acknowledges Hadoop's core needs refining before it can become a de facto industry standard

13 years ago

HP’s TouchPad Play Is To The Enterprise

HP will draw on its business user base to help its TouchPad tablet challenge Apple in the enterprise, says Bill…

13 years ago

UK Cloud Alliance Paints Complete Cloud Picture

This week will see the launch of the UK Cloud Alliance which, according to Grant Tanner, will offer a complete…

13 years ago

Proton Urges Data Centres To Consider Fuel Cells

Carbon-conscious data centre managers should examine hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative to diesel backup, says Thomas Melczer

13 years ago

Microsoft Office 365 Nudges SMBs Into The Cloud

Microsoft's Jacob Jaffe responds to Google's criticism of Office 365 and explains how its cloud credentials will benefit the SMB…

13 years ago

White Space Radio Trial Checks Nuts And Bolts

The Cambridge test is not designed to convince Ofcom, but to check the practicality of white space radio, says Glenn…

13 years ago

Does HPC Belong In The Cloud?

The cloud makes high performance computing more widely available - but introduces several problems of its own, says John Hengeveld

13 years ago

The Data Explosion: How To Survive And Profit

Growing data volumes are a threat to your organisation, but also offer new sources of information, says Tom Jenkins of…

13 years ago

Russian Reverse Engineer Praises Skype

Good products can't stay proprietary for long, says Efim Bushmanov, the Russian who published an open source version of Skype's…

13 years ago

Endpoint Security And Intrusion Detection Remain Top Concern

IBM's security boss Dave Merrill talks about what threats and challenges are keeping him awake at night

13 years ago

Marc Benioff: This Is The Era Of Cloud 2's founder and CEO saw the cloud coming before anyone even named it. Now Cloud 2 is here and Cloud…

13 years ago

Informatica Targets Hybrid Cloud Integration

Enterprises are increasingly recognising the need for the cloud, but most will operate a hybrid model says Informatica's Juan Carlos…

13 years ago

SMBs Look To Gain the Most From Unified Comms

The recession prompted businesses to cut costs and respond faster with unified communications, says Vodafone's Tom Craig

13 years ago

Microsoft: Windows Phone Runs Risk Of Losing Big

Windows Phone is a big gamble, says Brandon Watson, who runs Microsoft's mobile developer relations

13 years ago

How To Use The Green Grid Maturity Model

eWEEK wasn't sure how useful the Green Grid Maturity Model was. The Grid's Harkeeret Singh talked us through it

13 years ago

IBM Offers ‘Five Golden’ Rules For Green IT

Companies are missing a trick by not realising how much energy is being used by dormant office equipment, says IBM's…

13 years ago

AMD Aims Its Enterprise Chips At The Cloud

The trend toward cloud computing and virtualisation dovetails with AMD's enterprise strategy, according to Vladimir Rozanovich

13 years ago

Stallman: Only Victims Of Tyranny Should Use Facebook

Only victims of tyranny can justify use of Facebook says freedom activist Richard Stallman. He also spoke in favour of…

13 years ago

Mudlark: Data Is Your Property

The London Chromaroma game has been criticised for demanding passwords. Mudlark's Toby Barnes jumps to its defence

14 years ago

IBM Shows The Two Faces Of Social Media

Social media makes your company all nice and warm inside, and brutally analytic and competitive outside, according to IBM's Sandy…

14 years ago

Open Internet: The Devil Is In The Detail

Preserving the open nature of the Internet can be more complicated than it seems, says the Internet Society's Markus Kummer

14 years ago

Freescale:One-chip Base Stations Are The Future

Single chip base stations will rebalance the network towards simple systems, says Lisa Su of Freescale

14 years ago

Satellite Broadband: Bridging The Digital Divide

Satellite broadband is not everything to everybody, but it could be crucial for helping the government create a Digital Britain,…

14 years ago

IPv6: Leave It To Service Providers

The world may be running out of IPv4, but the sky is not falling, and carriers can handle the problems,…

14 years ago

Firewall Father Wants WikiLeaks Prosecuted

Cyber-threats should be taken seriously, and complex passwords should be dumped, says the father of the firewall, Bill Cheswick of…

14 years ago

Global Intelligence Is Driving Holistic Security

He couldn't talk about the impending acquisition by Intel, but McAfee's EMEA president, Gert-Jan Schenk was keen to talk about…

14 years ago