
Imperva Issues DDoS Warning After Fending Off 650Gbps Attack

The attack provided a fitting end to 2016, as well as a sign of things to come for the year…

8 years ago

Researchers Discover Major HTTP/2 Flaws

Protocol problems...the new version of the HTTP (HTTP/2) has four “high profile” flaws, researchers caution

8 years ago

DDoS Assaults Target UK As Bot Attacks Hit New High

UK remains a major target for criminals as Imperva report reveals South Korea is now the main source of DDoS…

9 years ago

Senseless Jane Austen Virus May Offend Your Sensibilities

Computer hackers are hiding malicious code in passages of text from some of the world's greatest novels

9 years ago

Massive DDoS Assault Launched From Anti-DDoS Servers

A new type of denial-of-service attack is ironically drawing upon the resources of services intended to guard against such dangers

11 years ago

IT Life: Sharing Data Makes For Security

for Barry Shteiman, security is all about people sharing information to keep each other secure

11 years ago

Concern Over PHP Attacks Affecting Major Websites

PHP can be exploited by combining flaws, placing major sites like Facebook potentially at risk

11 years ago

AntiSec Did Not Steal Apple UDID Codes From Us, Says FBI

If AntiSec is lying, where did the UDID codes come from?

12 years ago

Imperva: New Hacker Tools Crack Hashed Passwords

New tools such as code dictionaries and rainbow tables are helping crooks to crack systems, according to Imperva

13 years ago

Hacker Forum Shares Attack Methods And Tips

Imperva analysed a hacker forum, finding users chat most about DDoS attacks, tutorials and recruitment

13 years ago

Imperva Cloud Service Takes Strain Of DDoS Attacks

Imperva's cloud protects customers from network- and application-based distributed denial of service attacks

13 years ago

Hackers Use Botnets To Search For Victims

Hackers are using botnets and specially crafted search queries called “Dorks” to identify vulnerable websites

13 years ago

Attackers Ramp Up Automated Attacks: Imperva

Updated: Websites are being hit by up to 25,000 attacks per hour from automated botnets

13 years ago

Security Firms Warn Of Royal Wedding Malware

Spammers and hackers are jumping on the royal wedding bandwagon in order to make some quick cash

14 years ago

Why Hacktivists Are Fighting The WikiLeaks War

Most hackers work in secret for money. The hacktivists punishing WikiLeaks' enemies are different, says Noa Bar Yosef

14 years ago

Most Employees Would Pilfer Company Secrets

Seventy percent of employees plan to steal secret information when leaving their job, according to security firm Imperva

14 years ago

Cyberwar And Smartphones Top Threats For 2011

Government cyber attacks and smartphone vulnerabilities top Imperva's list of security risks for 2011

14 years ago

Exploring The Underground Credentials Market

Due to the difficulties of monetising stolen credit cards, fraudsters are turning to other data sources to gain illicit monetary…

14 years ago