
Megaupload File Storage Site Closed By FBI For IPR BreachesMegaupload File Storage Site Closed By FBI For IPR Breaches

Megaupload File Storage Site Closed By FBI For IPR Breaches

Megaupload has been closed down and its organisers arrested in a multinational action led by the US Justice Department

13 years ago
Apple Asked To Explain Why It Secretly Tracks iPhonesApple Asked To Explain Why It Secretly Tracks iPhones

Apple Asked To Explain Why It Secretly Tracks iPhones

US government demands to know why Apple is collecting unsecured location information on iPhones and iPads

14 years ago
ISPs And Publishers Told To Work Out File-Share PlansISPs And Publishers Told To Work Out File-Share Plans

ISPs And Publishers Told To Work Out File-Share Plans

The government has formed a working group to find a way to block illegal file-sharing sites

14 years ago
BPI: Illegal Music Downloads Far Exceed Legal OnesBPI: Illegal Music Downloads Far Exceed Legal Ones

BPI: Illegal Music Downloads Far Exceed Legal Ones

Piracy is robbing the music industry of its income, claims BPI, but rights activists dismiss this as 'whinging'

14 years ago
Third Of Brits Happy To Use Pirated SoftwareThird Of Brits Happy To Use Pirated Software

Third Of Brits Happy To Use Pirated Software

Pirated software is becoming institutionalised, according to Microsoft, despite obvious security risks to the enterprise

15 years ago