Schools in England are cutting back the hours teaching computing, and fewer pupils are achieving ICT qualifications

Schools in England are cutting back the hours teaching computing, and fewer pupils are achieving ICT qualifications
Legg is doing his bit to encourage the next generation of ICT talent, with five pieces of advice for a 17-year-old Londoner
Lack of skilled teachers blamed for over half England's secondary schools not offering GCSE computer science
Police aren't making effective use of digital technologies to manage and share information, and risk being 'left behind'
Ericsson report puts London in second place worldwide in terms of ICT maturity, just behind Stockholm
Innovation foundation calls for an overhaul in teaching methods
£20,000 for initial teacher training should help close the ICT skills gap
Microsoft believes $5bn over the next 10 years would help solve the IT skills crisis
Uptake rises, but just like in other subjects ICT grades are worse than in 2011
Police ICT Company will cut costs by combining contracts
Experts explain why abandoning the ICT curriculum for two years is a good idea
Cabinet Office says it wants to save a total of £5 billion across the government by the end of the financial year
The new procurement framework for public-sector bodies will cover everything from desktops to servers to tablets
Michael Gove says current system of ICT teaching is harmful to the UK economy
ICT education is particu8larly bad in secondary schools, according to an Ofsted report
The UN's technology body has highlighted how Ghana is mitigating global warming effects through ICT