Hurricane Sandy

Microsoft HelpBridge App To Be Disaster LifelineMicrosoft HelpBridge App To Be Disaster Lifeline

Microsoft HelpBridge App To Be Disaster Lifeline

Post Hurricane Sandy, Microsoft offers a free communication lifeline app that will contact friends and family

12 years ago
Google Reveals Gangnam Style, Whitney Houston As Top SearchesGoogle Reveals Gangnam Style, Whitney Houston As Top Searches

Google Reveals Gangnam Style, Whitney Houston As Top Searches

Google has revealed the top searches of 2012 that included Whitney Houston, Kate Middleton, and Gangnam Style

12 years ago
Did New York’s Hurricane Response Change Everything?Did New York’s Hurricane Response Change Everything?

Did New York’s Hurricane Response Change Everything?

Hurricane Sandy got global warming on the agenda and highlighted data centre energy use, says Peter Judge

12 years ago

Fuel Buckets Keep New York Data Centre Live Through The Hurricane

Peer 1 remained online, thanks to a bucket brigade carrying fuel up 18 floors

12 years ago
Hurricane Sandy Damages Quarter Of Mobile Phone TowersHurricane Sandy Damages Quarter Of Mobile Phone Towers

Hurricane Sandy Damages Quarter Of Mobile Phone Towers

Officials have urged citizens to only use texts and tweets after Hurricane Sandy knocks out 25 percent of mobile phone…

12 years ago
US Operators Assess Damage After Hurricane SandyUS Operators Assess Damage After Hurricane Sandy

US Operators Assess Damage After Hurricane Sandy

American operators are struggling to restore mobile services after Hurricane Sandy hit the US east coast

12 years ago
Google Offers Hurricane Sandy Safety AlertsGoogle Offers Hurricane Sandy Safety Alerts

Google Offers Hurricane Sandy Safety Alerts

Google has collated all public safety alerts as the US east coast struggles to recover from Hurricane Sandy

12 years ago
Hurricane Sandy Takes Out Huffington Post, GawkerHurricane Sandy Takes Out Huffington Post, Gawker

Hurricane Sandy Takes Out Huffington Post, Gawker

New York-based servers are taken out by the Frankenstorm

12 years ago
Google Cancels Android Event Due To HurricaneGoogle Cancels Android Event Due To Hurricane

Google Cancels Android Event Due To Hurricane

Google has cancelled a Monday event in Manhattan due to Hurricane Sandy, but Microsoft is going ahead with its Windows…

12 years ago