Homeland Security

Pentagon Admits Thefts Of Terabytes Of Defence Data

The Pentagon admitted major data breaches while announcing a cyber-defence plan and tactical exercises

14 years ago

Homeland Security Warns Of Malware Infected Electronics

Homeland Security in the US has said that consumer devices are purposely being shipped with malware

14 years ago

US Highlights Need For Global Cyber Security Strategy

A top US official has warned that nation states are struggling to cope with the flood of cyber attacks

14 years ago

Chinese Weapon Systems Vulnerable To SCADA Hack

Hackers could potentially gain control of Chinese weapon systems, US Homeland Security has warned

14 years ago

WikiLeaks’ Biggest Revelation: Poor Security

The biggest revelation from WikiLeaks is government incompetence not government secrets, and Gary McKinnon did it first, says Eric Doyle

14 years ago