The confidential information was visible on the Home Office website for two weeks
PlanetSoho's management platform, aimed at small businesses and home offices, features a billing system, inventory tracker, email marketing and online…
Awareness push from government celebrated by industry
Home secretary wants controversial proposals back on the table and a crackdown on extremist websites
Privacy groups accuse ISPs of betraying customers' trust by colluding with the Government
The boss of Yahoo has discussed her controversial changes to the company's remote working policy
Yahoo's Marissa Mayer has been heavily criticised by analysts over her decision to ban working from home
PCeU works with East Midlands force to arrest 41-year-old male
Wales tells TechWeekEurope he plans to explain the flaws of 'Snooper's Charter' to home secretary next month
Now it's up to the Joint Committee to carry on scrutinising the controversial draft Snooper's Charter>
Police ICT Company will cut costs by combining contracts
Home Office officials tell a Parliamentary Committee why they want our communications data
TechWeekEurope learns an Anonymous splinter group took down Theresa May's website, whilst targeting the ICO and the Supreme Court
People are getting behind petitions against the Communications Data Bill
The hacking collective Anonymous claims to have successfully launched a denial-of-service attack on the Home Office's website, and promises more…
Government plans to monitor people's web and email use are heavily criticised.