
Government PSTI Bill To Protect Consumer Tech From Cyber Threats

Ban on easy to guess default passwords, plus obligation on manufacturers to be transparent about cyber, included in new government…

3 years ago

Texas Ransomware Hackers Demand $2.5 Million

Ransomware attack on small local government systems in Texas collectively demands $2.5m

5 years ago

ASCO Sends Workers Home After Ransomware Attack

Aeroplane parts manufacturer sends home 1,000 of 1,400 workers after being crippled by ransomware

6 years ago

TalkTalk Fails To Inform Customers, After Breach Data Found Online

Personal details of 4,500 customers found online, despite being told by TalkTalk the data had not been compromised

6 years ago

Ransomware Attack Costs Norsk Hydro $40m

Ouch! Hefty cost of ransomware attack prompts experts to warn companies to check their insurance policies

6 years ago

TalkTalk Slated For Tardy Response To Website Flaw

How long? TalkTalk failed to fix cross-site scripting error until this week, despite being informed two years ago

7 years ago

General Motors Wants To Stomp Out Smart Car Bugs

HackerOne program should help reduce the risks of GM autonomous vehicles by allowing hackers to report vulnerabilities

9 years ago