SeaMicro's SM10000-XE applies its Intel Atom microserver concept to the Xeon chip to green up the data centre
Power over Ethernet (PoE) midspans from semiconductor-maker Microsemi could cut energy consumption by up to 50 percent
Green data centres and technologies offer a good ROI for IT departments looking to cut costs and complex infrastructures, says…
The 2011 predictions cover green power, mind-reading machines, desirable junk mail, DNA passwords, and digital profusion
Tracer XT is designed to unify control of data centre environments to optimise power use and reduce costs
Survey reveals use of multiple devices, acceleration of business and cost are main incentives of cloud
Among other cuts, Google has scrapped the RE>C project but has posted its results for others to use
The Open Compute Project is looking deeper into green data centres, from storage to systems management
Facebook is ensuring its new headquarters in California is a fit place for sustainable living
At IDF, Intel, Dell and SeaMicro were pushing the low-power microserver as a space-saver for point applications
Data centre efficiency standards groups from Facebook and Intel share... for greater efficiency
An impressive blueprint for a green economy has sneaked out, but without overt political backing will anyone take note, asks…
AMD and HP are joining a New York agency and university to investigate wind and solar power for data centres
Microsoft is closing its Hohm energy-consumption initiative in May and Google is retiring PowerMeter
A Finnish data centre will use seawater to cool Google's servers and wind power to supply the electricity
In its latest reports and summit meetings, Gartner is addressing the four pillars of data centre efficiency
A Cambridge start-up has developed an acoustic technology that could make smartphones smarter
Nokia confirms it will offer dual charging options, following moves by the EC to establish a “universal charger”
A study from Verdantix has found that the demand for carbon- and energy-management software is about to pick up steam
The government CRC scheme has changed to a green tax. That may be a sensible move in the long run,…
BASDA Green XML is being tested by Access in a sustainability module for its financial and reporting package
Management consultant Compass warns of green IT project cuts but thinks this will highlight the issues that really matter in…
Instead of recycling money raised by the CRC energy efficiency scheme, the government is using it to reduce the deficit
Xerox claims lower energy and less waste than laser printers as it launches two solid-ink ColorQube printers
Vendor-neutral power-efficiency measurement is specified by SNIA's Emerald test for data centres
If cloud computing is inherently green, why are hardware companies pushing it so hard, asks Peter Judge
Talk of the Green Investment Bank has to be turned into action if the benefits are to be harvested early,…
Capgemini has magically turned its Merlin green data centre technology into a marketable package
Data centres could make "huge" energy savings through lower energy networks, says Juniper
If we really want to reduce carbon emissions and avert an energy crisis, Peter Judge thinks it's time to move…