Graham Cluley

Japanese Nuclear Regulator Suffers Cyber Attack – ReportJapanese Nuclear Regulator Suffers Cyber Attack – Report

Japanese Nuclear Regulator Suffers Cyber Attack – Report

Nuclear agency in Japan (the Nuclear Regulation Authority) reportedly suffers a cyber attack and switched off its email systems

4 years ago
High Profile Twitter Accounts Hacked By Pro Turkish SupportersHigh Profile Twitter Accounts Hacked By Pro Turkish Supporters

High Profile Twitter Accounts Hacked By Pro Turkish Supporters

Twitter accounts held by notable individuals and organisations hacked and defaced with pro Turkish content

8 years ago

Jamie Oliver Website Serves Up Malware Once Again

Once was not pukka, twice was downright careless, but Jamie Oliver website serves up malware for the third time

10 years ago
Sophos Highlights Security Risk After Facebook Email ChangeSophos Highlights Security Risk After Facebook Email Change

Sophos Highlights Security Risk After Facebook Email Change

Facebook's decision to make the address the default email address is a security risk, warns Sophos

13 years ago
Lulzsec Scuttles Off The Hacking SceneLulzsec Scuttles Off The Hacking Scene

Lulzsec Scuttles Off The Hacking Scene

The Lulz Security hacking group has disbanded. Its 50 days of mayhem were up - or maybe the heat was…

14 years ago
Lulzsec Denies Arrested Suspect Was Hacking LeaderLulzsec Denies Arrested Suspect Was Hacking Leader

Lulzsec Denies Arrested Suspect Was Hacking Leader

A 19-year-old alleged Lulzsec member has been arrested by British police in joint-operation with the FBI

14 years ago
Spam Returns With a Vengence After Christmas LullSpam Returns With a Vengence After Christmas Lull

Spam Returns With a Vengence After Christmas Lull

The number of spam messages is now back to its normal painful levels after the Christmas break

14 years ago
British Navy Website Suspended After Hacking AttackBritish Navy Website Suspended After Hacking Attack

British Navy Website Suspended After Hacking Attack

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed that the Royal Navy website has been suspended after it was hacked into

14 years ago
Sophos: The Biggest Security Risk Is YouSophos: The Biggest Security Risk Is You

Sophos: The Biggest Security Risk Is You

Spam, malware, phishing and clickjacking are all high on the security agenda, but the main cause of security breaches is…

15 years ago
RSA: Sophos Warns On Social Networking ScamsRSA: Sophos Warns On Social Networking Scams

RSA: Sophos Warns On Social Networking Scams

Sophos security expert Graham Cluley outlined some of the main threats targeting Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites

15 years ago